Batch Work
Getting much more done

You can select one or more assets and perform actions on them. The kind of actions shown to you depend on the selection of assets you made.
In single selection, you can View, Basic Ops, Rename, MetaData, Crop (in case of bitmaps), Filter (in case of bitmaps), Change MIME assets.

Asset Viewer (Single)
You can look at a single asset, including its internal meta data.
Basic Operations
Basic Operations allow you to do some of the more basic things you would expect:
  • Rotate or Flip bitmap assets
  • Rescan bitmap colors (handy when you changed scan settings)
  • Make or unmake assets favorites
  • Add or remove assets from QuickPicks
  • Copy assets to the clipboard
  • Clone assets
  • Export assets to a folder, a Snip or another library
  • Delete assets
  • Rename Assets
    You can name assets and set their copyright and origin information, plus a description and their tags. This is information that stays within Just-Snips and is not added to the asset's file itself
    You can use placeholders like date information (e.g. %CREATED_TIME%) or counters to embedd this information into that meta data.
    Meta Data Viewer and Editor
    You can use the Meta Data editor to change the Meta Data within Just-Snips like in the Rename editor.
    You can do that for all or individually for each asset.
    You can also take a look at and assign Geo Tags on a map (If you do for the first time, the app will ask permission to access your location).
    Lastly, you can look at and in some instances change the meta data stored in the actual asset file. The app understands Windows, EXIF and IPTC encoded meta data. Currently, you can only change location data.
    Crop Bitmaps
    You can crop one or more bitmaps. The crop location is set visually based on one bitmap and applied for all.
    Filter Bitmaps
    You can add algorithmic filters like Grayscale, Hue, Brightness, Threshold, Border Detection, Crop, Oil Painting, Vignette, Pixelation, Orientation and more...
    All these filters or combinations of filters are applied to all bitmaps in the same way.
    You can even save the result to a different MIME type.
    Change MIME Types
    You can change MIME types within compatibility. Bitmaps can become bitmaps of different file format, and text becomes text (e.g. RTF becomes TXT). Right now, you cannot cast a SVG drawing to a bitmap (working on that)